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Sleep Apnea Therapy That Can Actually Make Life Better

April 10, 2017

Filed under: Uncategorized — drromack @ 10:26 pm

Finally, a sleep apnea therapy option that doesn’t add to the disruption of your sleep. Have you and your partner been abnormally irritable lately? Your significant other can’t get any sleep because of your constant snoring and restlessness, and you have been feeling drained the minute you wake up. It’s a horrible combination for your relationship and the overall quality of your lives, but did you know that this could all be caused by a sleep disorder that could potentially detrimentally affect your health, too? Now would be the perfect time to get to know your sleep apnea specialist, Dr. Deborah Romack. With extensive experience and continued education in sleep way obstruction, sleeping disorders, and obstructive sleep apnea, she can recommend the best sleep apnea therapy: custom oral appliances.

Sleep Apnea is Sweeping the Nation

An estimated 22 million Americans suffer from sleep apnea—a potentially deadly sleeping disorder. Obstructive sleep apnea (the most common type) is a condition that causes your airway to become either fully or partially blocked while you’re sleeping, which you have pauses in breathing or very shallow breaths while you sleep.

The lack of oxygen makes your brain suddenly send emergency signals, forcing your body to jolt awake just long enough to clear your airway. Most patients hardly remember waking up, but this not only interrupts your critical sleep cycle, but it also creates these health complications:

  • Severe morning headaches
  • Difficulties focusing
  • Memory issues
  • Fatigue and daytime exhaustion

Oral Appliance Therapy

Did you know that an oral appliance in Weatherford could potentially save your life? The American Academy of Sleep Medicine found that untreated sleep apnea patients are just about two and a half times more likely to cause a car accident. How else could sleep apnea be affecting your health?

  • Your heart and blood vessels work much harder during your pauses in breathing.
  • Sleep apnea patients are at higher risk for high blood pressure.
  • You become at risk for heart disease.
  • There’s a higher chance of you having a stroke.

Now that we have your attention and improved your awareness, finding a solution is the next best step. Many patients find relief from their sleep apnea symptoms by simply wearing a custom oral appliance created by Dr. Romack. The oral appliance gently and comfortably shifts your jaw slightly forward, clearing your airway. Oral appliances are perfect for traveling as well because they’re so small and convenient to take with you.

Discovering Sleep Apnea

When it comes to sleep medicine, an informed dentist’s care is critical. At Weatherford Dental and Sleep Medicine, Dr. Romack works closely with your primary doctor or anyone involved in your diagnosis. Sleep apnea can be tricky to diagnose on your own, so we also offer our patients a home sleep testing monitor to get us the best test results from the comfort of your own home.

Once we have determined obstructive sleep apnea is the cause of your discomfort, we can go straight to developing the best treatment plan for you—which will most likely include a custom oral appliance. Contact our office today to get started on correcting your sleep habits. After all, when you sleep better, you live better.

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114 W Columbia St., Weatherford, TX 76086 USA
Deborah A. Romack, DDS Weatherford, TX dentist providing sleep apnea therapy. (817) 594-3806