What is an Oral Appliance for Sleep Apnea Therapy?
July 23, 2018
It is estimated that at least 18 million Americans suffer from a disorder known as obstructive sleep apnea. It causes you to stop breathing frequently while sleeping due to your airways becoming blocked by your soft tissues in your throat collapsing. Not only will it negatively impact your quality of life but your health as well if you do not treat it. Now, the most common and preferred option for sleep apnea therapy involves the use of an oral appliance. Your dentist can provide you with the custom-fit device to breathe easier to sleep soundly.
Do I Have Alternatives to Sleep Apnea Surgery?
July 13, 2018
Obstructive sleep apnea is a common sleep disorder that affects roughly 18 million Americans; however, it is estimated that 80% of those with it remain undiagnosed. If you are among those who have recently been diagnosed with it, you may be considering sleep apnea surgery. Although it may seem like a quick and easy fix to restore your sleep quality and to protect your health, it may not be the best solution. Instead, you may want to explore noninvasive options.