Is Sleep Apnea Putting You at Risk for COVID-19?
May 22, 2020

Have you woken up gasping for air in the middle of the night recently? Does your partner keep complaining that you snore? Are you feeling exhausted every day without understanding why? All of these symptoms could mean that you’re living with sleep apnea in Weatherford; in other words, you’re not getting the quality rest you need because your breathing is being repeatedly interrupted every night. You may not even realize you have sleep apnea, but the effect it has on your body cannot be denied. If it goes untreated long enough, it could put you at risk for many potentially severe health issues – and that includes illnesses such as COVID-19! Read on to learn more about the dangers of disordered sleep.
(more…)4 Tips for Resting Well During the COVID-19 Pandemic
May 20, 2020

Right now, we are living in some troubling, uncertain times, and that can make it harder to settle down for a good night’s rest. A lack of sleep can end up weakening your immune system, meaning you (and consequently, the people around you) could be at a higher risk for COVID-19. Are stress and sleep apnea in Weatherford interrupting your slumber? Try following these 4 simple steps to help calm your mind and prepare your body for sleep.