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Getting a Better Night’s Sleep During the Summer

July 31, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — drromack @ 1:05 pm
Red haired woman sleeping during the summer

How well do you normally sleep during the summer? Many people find that the hottest months of the year make it more difficult to get quality rest. This is especially the case for individuals who are already struggling with sleep apnea. It’s a good idea to learn as much as possible about the impact summer can have on your sleep – as well as the steps you can take to improve your slumber.

How Can Summer Affect Your Sleep?

Summer is best known for its warm weather, but you may not realize the effect that higher temperatures can have on your sleep. When your body starts to fall asleep, its temperature goes down. Consequently, if you are sleeping in a warmer environment, it will be harder for your body to reach the right sleeping temperature. This can ultimately cause you to get less sleep.

Another factor to consider is that the sun tends to stay out longer in the evenings during the summer. Sunlight can slow down the production of melatonin, which is a hormone that helps regulate sleep. As such, you may find that falling asleep is more difficult than normal.

What Can You Do to Improve Sleep During the Summer?

You’ll want to make sure that the room you’re sleeping in is the right temperature; for many people, this is between 65 and 68 degrees Fahrenheit. In addition to turning on the air conditioner, you may consider setting up some fans. It may also be a good idea to look for a cooling mattress that is designed to help regulate your body temperature.

It’s best to limit the amount of light exposure you get in the evening in order to keep your sleep-wake cycle on track. An easy way to do this is to close the blinds at night. On top of that, you can try dimming the lights inside your home.

If you have sleep apnea, you should make sure that it’s being properly treated. In many cases, a sleep dentist can provide you with an oral appliance that will help keep your airway open, thus lowering your risk for sleep apnea episodes. Other solutions might be recommended depending on the severity of your sleep disorder.

In short, you may find that it’s harder to get a good night’s rest during the summer, but this is a problem that can be solved by taking the right steps. Think carefully about some of the changes you can make to enjoy more restful summer nights.

About the Author

Dr. Deborah A. Romack is a proud graduate of Baylor College of Dentistry, and she has completed a number of continuing education courses about snoring and obstructive sleep apnea. At Weatherford Dental Sleep Medicine, she can provide oral appliance therapy as a solution for sleep-disordered breathing. To schedule a consultation with Dr. Romack, visit her website or call (817) 594-3806.

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114 W Columbia St., Weatherford, TX 76086 USA
Deborah A. Romack, DDS Weatherford, TX dentist providing sleep apnea therapy. (817) 594-3806