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Is Sleep Apnea Putting You at Risk for COVID-19?

May 22, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — drromack @ 7:18 pm
Man lying in bed awake and covering his face

Have you woken up gasping for air in the middle of the night recently? Does your partner keep complaining that you snore? Are you feeling exhausted every day without understanding why? All of these symptoms could mean that you’re living with sleep apnea in Weatherford; in other words, you’re not getting the quality rest you need because your breathing is being repeatedly interrupted every night. You may not even realize you have sleep apnea, but the effect it has on your body cannot be denied. If it goes untreated long enough, it could put you at risk for many potentially severe health issues – and that includes illnesses such as COVID-19! Read on to learn more about the dangers of disordered sleep.


4 Tips for Resting Well During the COVID-19 Pandemic

May 20, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — drromack @ 8:20 pm

Right now, we are living in some troubling, uncertain times, and that can make it harder to settle down for a good night’s rest. A lack of sleep can end up weakening your immune system, meaning you (and consequently, the people around you) could be at a higher risk for COVID-19. Are stress and sleep apnea in Weatherford interrupting your slumber? Try following these 4 simple steps to help calm your mind and prepare your body for sleep.


How Dental Offices Protect Team Members and Patients During COVID-19

April 5, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — drromack @ 11:04 pm
A woman seeking care for sleep apnea therapy in Weatherford.

While you may be staying at home as much as possible in order to reduce the spread of COVID-19, also known as coronavirus, dental offices have had very strict protocols already in place to prevent the spread of diseases well before the pandemic begun. With that said, they have taken things up a notch, not only to protect patients and team members, but to make sure the virus does not spread through their offices. Below, you can read exactly how they are being extra cautious during these difficult and uncertain times. If you need to schedule care for sleep apnea in Weatherford or for another treatment, here’s why you have no reason to be afraid of visiting.


Can E-Cigarettes Make Your Sleep Apnea Symptoms Worse?

March 8, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — drromack @ 10:07 pm

man vaping exhaling smoke risking sleep apnea in Aledo

Nearly 20 years ago, an advertising campaign began that directly challenged the tobacco industry. It involved television, radio and billboard ads that spoke to the dangers of smoking cigarettes. It could be argued that the anti-smoking movement gave birth to e-cigarettes (vaping) as an alternative to burning tobacco. Is this new way of inhaling nicotine really better, though? There’s evidence that it, too, presents some health challenges, one being that it can contribute to sleep apnea in Aledo. Read on to learn about the connection and the danger of not getting adequate rest.


Why Truck Drivers Should Be Tested for Sleep Apnea

February 18, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — drromack @ 1:17 pm

A good night’s sleep is essential for any driver, but it’s especially important for those who drive trucks and other commercial vehicles. If you find yourself getting drowsy and dozing off during the day, the consequences could be extremely dangerous for you and everyone else on the road. Do you know for sure that you’re getting quality sleep? Keep reading to learn why you, as a commercial driver, should take the time to get tested for sleep apnea in Weatherford.


Can Secondhand Smoke Contribute to a Child Developing Sleep Apnea?

January 15, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — drromack @ 12:23 pm
male hand holding lit cigarette

For smokers, the negative effects can extend beyond just their health. Recent studies show that it can also impact the wellness of their children and leave them more susceptible to developing obstructive sleep apnea in Weatherford. As you continue reading, you’ll get more details about the new data, and find out what obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is and its correlation to secondhand smoke (SHS).


4 Effects Interrupted Sleep Has On Your Body

January 3, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — drromack @ 1:58 pm
person on their phone in bed at night

It’s easy to blow off daily fatigue, especially as you get older and feel like you don’t need as much rest. However, interrupted sleep in Weatherford can have a huge impact on your overall wellbeing. Every night when you reach a deep state of sleep, your body repairs and restores itself, keeping you healthy, alert, and in a balanced mood. Read on to learn about four effects that poor quality of rest caused by sleep apnea can have on your body.


Is Your Morning Headache Really a Sign of Sleep Apnea?

December 21, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — drromack @ 2:18 pm

Have you noticed that your head has been hurting every time you wake up lately? One in 13 people suffer from early morning headaches, and while the pain is often simply the result of a migraine, it could also signify something much more dangerous. More to the point, headaches in Weatherford are a common symptom of moderate to severe sleep apnea, which can be dangerous if untreated. To learn more about how poor quality sleep can frequently lead to pain – and what you can do to stop the cycle – keep reading.  


Can Sleeping Pills Help If You Have Sleep Apnea?

December 16, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — drromack @ 5:14 pm
Pills beside bed

When you have sleep apnea, your body frequently wakes up during the night, and you could even suffer from bouts of insomnia. So naturally, you might think that sleeping pills in Weatherford could be a potential solution to this problem – or at the very least help you get some much-needed rest. In reality, though, taking sleeping pills while suffering from even mild sleep apnea could be one of the worst decisions you could make, and there’s an extremely good chance that your condition will get even worse. Read on to learn why a sleeping aid could do more harm than good if your breathing is being interrupted at night.


The Cost of Sleep Testing to Diagnose Sleep Apnea

November 24, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — drromack @ 6:57 pm

There are many possible warning signs of sleep apnea – drowsiness during the day, loud snoring, morning headaches and so on – but the only way to properly diagnose the disorder is to undergo sleep testing. If your sleep dentist recommends such a test, you might have concerns about the final cost. Read on to learn more about sleep testing in Weatherford and what you can expect to pay for it.

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114 W Columbia St., Weatherford, TX 76086 USA
Deborah A. Romack, DDS Weatherford, TX dentist providing sleep apnea therapy. (817) 594-3806