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Can Obstructive Sleep Apnea in Weatherford Cause Depression?

June 19, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — drromack @ 8:09 pm
Sleep apnea depression

While occasional sadness or loneliness is normal from time to time, clinical depression creates constant feelings of unhappiness and hopelessness that can interfere with everyday life. While not getting enough sleep may not be the sole cause of such feelings, research has found a correlation between certain sleep disorders and a person’s mental state. Here’s what you need to know about obstructive sleep apnea in Weatherford and its link to depression.


Will My Obstructive Sleep Apnea in Weatherford Ever Go Away?

May 17, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 9:22 pm
woman using pillow to block sound of husband's snoring

You’ve been diagnosed with sleep apnea. It seems like the end of the world. Or at least the end of your bed partner sleeping comfortably next to you. Will this condition ever go away, or will it affect you for the rest of your life? A dentist explains different ways of treating obstructive sleep apnea in Weatherford.


Are You Frequently Sick? Sleep Apnea Therapy Near Aledo Could Help

May 12, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — drromack @ 8:01 pm
sick person sitting on couch

Do you wake up frequently throughout the night gasping or wheezing? Do you have headaches in the morning even though you’ve gotten your full 8 hours of sleep? These could be tell-tale signs that you have a sleeping disorder. You may not have bothered seeking treatment because you don’t think it’s that big of a deal. However, your quality of sleep could be making you physically ill. Read on to learn how your condition is impacting your immune system and how sleep apnea therapy near Aledo can help.


Need Snoring Treatment in Weatherford? Here are 7 Remedies to Try

April 14, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — drromack @ 6:47 pm
a woman with a pillow over her ears while her husband snores

You wake up to see your partner lying in bed with a pillow over their head and eyes glaring back at you. “You could wake the dead with your snoring,” they says. While it may be irritating to them, it’s probably causing problems for you, too. If you also experience fatigue, irritability, or even forgetfulness, these may be signs of sleep apnea. No matter if you have a sleep disorder or you’re just a loud snorer, it may be time to talk to your doctor about snoring treatment in Weatherford. But first, let us help by providing these 7 useful remedies.


Have Sleep Apnea in Weatherford? Here are 4 Celebrities with the Same Problem

April 7, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — drromack @ 3:39 pm
a doctor writing the words “sleep apnea”

When it comes to talking to your friends and family about your sleep apnea in Weatherford, it’s easy to assume you’re the only person who could possibly be dealing with this sleep disorder. Guess what? You’re not! In fact, there are many famous people who battle sleep apnea, too. In an effort to help you realize you’re not alone in this fight, let us provide a clear explanation of sleep apnea and share who in Hollywood is also seeking treatment.


The Link between TMJ Disorder and Sleep Apnea in Aledo

March 25, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — drromack @ 7:38 pm
man tired from lack of sleep

Do you suffer from sleep apnea in Aledo? You’re not alone. Millions of Americans across the country suffer from this condition. Obtaining relief takes knowing the causes of the problem. In many cases, TMJ disorder plays a contributing role. Your dentist can perform a complete examination of your mouth, throat and jaw and recommend treatment solutions such as a nighttime oral appliance.


If You’re Dealing With Hot Flashes, Sleep Apnea In Aledo May Be A Factor

March 6, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 5:43 pm
A woman rubbing her temples

Did you know that around 80% of middle-aged women experience hot flashes and night sweats? In addition to being uncomfortable, these symptoms are also thought to increase the risk of sleep apnea. Women don’t always exhibit the same symptoms of sleep apnea as men (like snoring), so they aren’t always correctly diagnosed. But, since sleep apnea increases the risk for serious conditions like heart disease, obesity, stroke, and depression, it’s incredibly important to recognize and treat it as soon as possible. Keep reading to learn more about how sleep apnea in Aledo is linked to menopause and how a dentist can help with both diagnosis and treatment!


Does Bedtime Alcohol Consumption Contribute to Sleep Apnea in Weatherford?

February 15, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — drromack @ 8:45 pm

After a long day of work and a busy evening at home, drinking an alcoholic beverage may serve as a form of relaxation. However, for people suffering from sleep apnea in Weatherford, could this further contribute to the problem? An expert in sleep dentistry weighs in to answer that question and to explain what sleep apnea is.


Suffering from Sleep Apnea in Weatherford? These Foods Can Help!

February 4, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — drromack @ 2:54 am
woman smiling eating healthy foods

Sleep apnea in Weatherford is a condition that prevents people from getting the valuable rest they need. As a result, they can be left more susceptible to a host of health issues like heart disease, hypertension, obesity and stroke. Thankfully, with sleep therapy provided by a local dentist and some diet changes, sustainable results can be realized. Read on to find out what foods are your allies in the quest for adequate and effective sleep!


The Connection Between a Narrow Airway and Sleep Apnea in Weatherford

January 24, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — drromack @ 3:38 pm
little girl sleeping face down

Sleep apnea in Weatherford is a condition that affects over 22 million people in the U.S. It not only deprives them of a “good night’s sleep,” but it can also leave them more susceptible to life-threatening illnesses. The condition doesn’t just affect adults, though, as studies show that more than 7 million children suffer from sleep apnea. Read on to learn how a narrow airway can exacerbate the condition in children and why it is important to seek treatment.

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114 W Columbia St., Weatherford, TX 76086 USA
Deborah A. Romack, DDS Weatherford, TX dentist providing sleep apnea therapy. (817) 594-3806